essential News

TradeStation Announces 100 New Positions for Candidates with Information Technology Knowledge

Apr 27, 2021 9:45:00 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Critical Thinking, Digital Technologies, Corporate and Business Processes, Customer Centricity, UX/UI, TradeStation, Analytics


San José, April 27, 2021. TradeStation, a multinational company in the services sector, announced that it is seeking 100 new hires in Costa Rica. These professionals will join the other 100 employees that the company currently has on its payroll.

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Costa Rica Inaugurates the Most Advanced Space Radar on the Planet

Apr 26, 2021 12:50:42 PM / by CINDE posted in Featured, R&D, Innovation, Technology Design, News & Articles


Article originally published by EFE: 

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Revolutionizing MedTech: MicroTechnologies Costa Rica

Apr 19, 2021 9:36:10 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Life Sciences, Robotics, Manufacturing, Innovation, Technology Design, Media, Micro Technologies


Over 23 years ago, MicroTechnologies established in Costa Rica and currently, delivers cutting-edge engineering solutions in the semiconductor, automotive, medical, and industrial markets.

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Byte Costa Rica Will Hire 150 More People due to Operational Growth

Apr 15, 2021 9:45:00 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Life Sciences, Press Releases, Technology Design, Byte


San José, Costa Rica. April 15, 2020. Byte, a multinational company in the life sciences industry and dedicated to producing orthodontic medical devices, announced that it will hire 150 more people in Costa Rica, due to the growth of its local operations.

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Gensler Announces New Positions Amidst Costa Rican Growth

Apr 13, 2021 9:15:00 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Innovation, Press Releases, Corporate and Business Processes, Creativity, Gensler


  • The company is hiring staff as a result of demand from new projects.
  • From its Costa Rican operations, the company designs projects for important clients in North America, Europe, and the Middle East. 

San Jose, Costa Rica. Tuesday, April 13, 2021. Gensler, the world's largest architectural firm, will hire more staff for its offices in Costa Rica. Between now and June, the firm plans to onboard 30 new hires, who will join another 14 who were hired by March of this year.

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Viant Completes Expansion of Costa Rican Manufacturing Plant

Apr 9, 2021 9:45:00 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Life Sciences, Manufacturing, Innovation, Resilience, Press Releases, Customer Centricity, Viant


  • Implemented improvements will drive commercialization of high-quality, complex medical devices.
  • 300 new jobs will be added during 2021.

Costa Rica, April 9, 2021Viant, a life sciences company, announced that it has completed a major expansion at its medical device manufacturing plant located in Heredia, Costa Rica.

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SMC Ltd Announces Expansion for Costa Rica Facility

Apr 6, 2021 9:45:00 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, New Materials, Life Sciences, Robotics, Innovation, Press Releases, SMC


Alajuela, Costa Rica. April 06th 2021. – SMC Ltd., a global contract manufacturer for the medical, diagnostics and pharmaceutical markets with locations in California, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Ohio, United Kingdom, India, and Costa Rica, announced the expansion of its facility in Costa Rica.

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IDB: “Costa Rica has Proven the Power of Programs Designed to Attract FDI”

Mar 29, 2021 3:51:49 PM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Media, Amazon, Corporate and Business Processes, 3M, HP Inc., Bayer, Panasonic


Last March, IDB's President, Mauricio Claver-Carone, shared his thoughts on why Costa Rica is the perfect breeding ground for FDI companies to invest and thrive. He spoke during a webinar organized by CINDE and IDB.

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Softtek Costa Rica to Hire 60 People in the First Semester of this Year

Mar 22, 2021 9:50:31 AM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Resilience, Press Releases, Digital Technologies, Softtek, Automation


  • Hires will be working from home. 
  • Jobs will be offered during the company’s virtual fair this week.
San José, Costa Rica. March 22, 2021.  The digital technology company Softtek has announced that it will be hiring 60 people in the next few months due to the growth of its operations in Costa Rica.
Hiring will take place this week during a virtual fair to be held by the company. It will primarily be looking for candidates with experience as .net developers and automation engineers. Intermediate English will be required for some positions and advanced English for others.
According to Foreign Trade Minister Andrés Valenciano, “in recent years, our country has become an important partner for service companies. Today Costa Rica is an intensive knowledge economy that exports twice as many services as the average number for OECD countries. Companies like Softtek continue to grow thanks that we have proven to be resilient to the ups and downs of the global economy. This vote of confidence in our country is a challenge for us to continue working on strengthening our investment climate so that more companies like this will look to Costa Rica for setting up their operations.”

Andrey Meléndez, Softtek site leader, commented that “we came to Costa Rica 12 years ago and are extremely happy to be developing the human talent we’ve found in this country. Our main goal is the development of our employees so that they can not only work but also achieve their career with us.
“During 2020, Softtek expanded its payroll considerably, and this year, we are focused on continuing this growth. Our customers are information technology and service companies. We will be offering attractive benefit and development plans so that our employees can pursue a professional career within the company.”
“Costa Rica’s human talent has demonstrated the resilience needed for meeting the needs of industry 4.0, even in times of pandemic, enabling the country to provide a home for 16 of the top 100 global technology leaders. Softtek has opened a new window of opportunity to many Costa Ricans for formal jobs and personal development in multinational firms, which at the 2020 close had created 19,806 jobs”, noted CINDE Managing Director, Jorge Sequeira.
Those interested in applying for one of these jobs should email their resumes to or enter the platform

The company is located on Paseo de las Flores in Heredia. Interviews will be conducted virtually, and the company will only contact persons who apply during this week for one of the job openings.
About Softtek
Founded in 1982, Softtek is a global company and the largest provider of IT services from Latin America. With a broad portfolio of business-transforming products and solutions, Softtek helps Global 2000 organizations evolve their digital capabilities constantly and seamlessly from ideation and development to execution.
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CINDE Customizes Investment Proposals to Promote FDI Outside the Metro Area

Mar 17, 2021 2:37:59 PM / by CINDE posted in Featured, Press Releases, Diversity & Inclusion


  • CINDE has identified sectors with higher foreign direct investment potential in each of the regions comprising the 20 cantons with which it has been working since 2016.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021. San Jose, Costa Rica. Five years ago, CINDE launched a project to promote investment outside the greater metropolitan area (GMA) in 20 Costa Rican cantons. At that time, 2,105 people were working in those areas in multinational companies supported by CINDE. Today that figure surpasses 3,660. The number has grown by 15% every year, and the goal is to keep it growing. 
To do so, CINDE has identified sectors with higher foreign direct investment (FDI) potential in each of the six regions comprising the 20 cantons. The next step will be customized investment proposals based on existing conditions in the territories and opportunities identified with multinational firms. 
That is one of the measures CINDE will implement in its strategy to attract more FDI outside the GMA, which will go together with its direct work with the 20 communities to learn the results of an individual in-depth study for each.  
As Yahaira Barquero, CINDE´s Lead of Investment Promotion in Rising Cities, explained, “The six regions outside the GMA combine the formula for driving Costa Rica’s sustainable productivity and smart growth based on three strategic pillars: people, planet, and prosperity. CINDE is betting on developing regional value propositions as a tool for boosting investment outside the Costa Rican GMA; the idea is to continue creating more jobs and opportunities in those areas.”
The measures were announced today within the framework of the virtual annual meeting of communities outside the GMA that CINDE organizes every year with the 20 participating cantons: Buenos Aires, Corredores, Osa, Coto Brus, Golfito, Pérez Zeledón, Siquirres, Pococí, Limón, Turrialba, San Carlos, Grecia, Sarchí, Naranjo, Palmares, San Ramón, Puntarenas, Orotina, Liberia, and Carrillo.
According to Foreign Trade Minister Andrés Valenciano, “With the support of CINDE and the regional PROCOMER offices, a coordinated, continuous effort is being made with the different communities outside the GMA. The goal is to improve their competitiveness so that more and more companies can find optimum conditions in these places for investing and growing. Little by little, we have started to see the fruits of this effort. For instance, the latest data show that jobs created by FDI companies outside the GMA have grown at an average annual rate of 15% in the last five years.” 
He added, moreover, that “for the foreign trade sector, development in areas outside the GMA is an essential task, and we know there is still much work to be done. Count on our support so we can continue to create the best conditions in these territories, which will result in jobs, opportunities, development, and wellbeing for all!”
Other action areas, added Barquero, include promoting streamlined procedures and regulatory improvement outside the GMA so that more and more cantons sign on to the One-stop Investment project (Ventanilla Única de Inversión, or VUI) led by PROCOMER. 
Likewise, CINDE will develop regional webinars as training and skill-building tools for decision-makers in each community. Experts will participate in addressing the topics of interest for the different areas.  
Employment Outside the GMA in Figures

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